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type _Perennial Garden
year _2024 Completion

The perennial garden reveals the colors of time through light and projects the moments of the spectrum imagined by the Earth into the short future. The garden will be colored, the shapes of nature will go beyond the harmony of irregularity and shake lightly, butterflies will fly and the bees will stop, starlight will shine in the future, and when it rains, it will be colored again. When the moon waxes full, the rabbit's shadow creates beauty, and when the sun rises, yesterday in a different color repeats. The butterfly will fly again and the bee will hide the shadow of its wings. If a different flower blooms today and the same flower falls tomorrow, the rainy season begins.



type _Residential Garden
year _2023 Completion

Personal gardens develop through small group communication and collective decision-making. Because it is a game played by different tastes and senses on the table, the level of understanding of the nature of relationships makes or breaks the ending of decision. The déjà vu of the night crosses, the imagination of the day is realized, and the designer's desire creates new tension, but the process of colorless language being shaped into a space excites everyone with joy. The garden reveals the seasons on the earth. The sense of time deepens futility sometimes, but it is an old way of facing the real world.



type _Branding with Landscape, Spatial Design

year _2023 Work in Progress

Contemporary landscape architecture is a process of imagination that transforms the identity of nature into a new fantasy. People consume, get drunk, constantly desire new things, and long for energy for tomorrow from not being bored. Designer must go beyond the universal consensus of society by observing the circulation of nature, contemplating space, and discovering new attitudes. Signature Landscape is a project to turn imagination into reality with a humble attitude, and is a creative idea to provide a new landscape with nature as design motif. The authentic nature is reproduced as a refined image, and alternative nature is presented on a platform. The senses will be consumed again as fantasies, circulated as impulses, and will disappear as volatile memories.

kr  landscape


type _2023 Garden Dream Project
year _2023 Completion

An old landfill was restored into a city park. The industrial age is the history of human greed, ignorance of regeneration, and the devil's desire for money. Parks as forests and ecology as gardens have little value in creating regeneration on a right scale, but if they are expressions of attitude and reflection for the public, they may have creative rhythm and meaning. Humans disappear, nature cycles and cities repeat same history. Whether it is regeneration for coexistence, coexistence for self-sufficiency, or new interference for isolation, the value repeats affirmation, but a new cycle for reflection will become an empty medium.

kr  5wayscolors


type _2023 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism
year _2023 Work in Progress

City is actually an abstract concept, but it is a cliché like a coca-cola that is often consumed as an academic term. People are beings who talk about the future with consuming the moment, confess the love while hiding their desires. The reason for 2023 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism on earth crisis, global warming and sea level rise may be because it is difficult to be conscious of the realization beyond that. City is losing the resilience. Architects have long forgotten their critical responsibilities. Nobody knows if the reason is for whether the collective intelligence builds a pavilion to discuss the reality or to enjoy just cultural entertainment, but more important thing might be the pleasure of elegant thinking than urban sea level rise.

kr  sbau